How Margin Accounts Can Help Your Portfolio

eOptionMargin Accounts

When investors have had some success with their strategies, they often want to alter those winning strategies to possibly make even more money. However, it is common to run into a simple, yet tough, barrier at this point: a lack of funds for further investing. That’s when many ask themselves, “How can I get more trading leverage?” One way to … Read More

Risks and Benefits of Buying on Margin

eOptionMargin Accounts

Investors have used margin accounts to boost their buying ability for years. With these accounts, the investor borrows some money from his or her broker and uses an amount of stock – the margin – to secure the loan. Because stock is the collateral, there are some big risks inherent in the arrangement. There are, however, also big benefits that … Read More

Brief Explanation of How Margin Accounts Work

eOptionMargin Accounts

The concept of margin accounts is one that often comes up in the business press. Since bad news makes headlines, they are often mentioned when someone ends up losing money. This, however, doesn’t mean that it is always a bad idea to use them or that losses are inevitable. It just means that publications skew perceptions. Here is an honest … Read More