
Free Research from Zacks
Now Available!

Free Zacks Snapshot Reports

eOption has good news to share - we are providing all customers FREE Snapshot research reports from Zacks Investment Research. There are reports on 4400 stocks now available on our trading platform. You can now pull unlimited reports on your favorite companies at no cost to you. 
You can find it under the "Zacks Reports" tab after you log into the trading platform. It's easy to get started. Simply search by ticker symbol, rating (i.e. strong buy, sell, etc.) or date range of the report.

To view an example of a full report, Click HERE.

You can do look for a specific report by searching a ticker symbol. (Example: TSLA)


You can also search by the rating of the ticker symbol. (Example: Strong Buy)


You can change the date range of the reports as well.

Bonus Report - Monthly Economic Outlook. You'll be able to access a new macro-economic outlook by Zacks Chief Equity Strategist, John Blank PhD. This report has 4 sections: 1-Key Points, 2-Monthly Key Topic, 3-Conclusions and 4-Economic Projections. Updated monthly, so make sure to click this box to make it part of your research routine. 

Questions on some of the items on the Snapshot Report? Click the Glossary Section for definitions of terms on the report.

Zacks uses the following rating system for the securities it covers which results from a proprietary quantitative model using trends in earnings estimate revisions. This model is proven most effective for judging the timeliness of a stock over the next 1 to 3 months. The model assigns each stock a rank from 1 through 5. Zacks Rank 1 = Strong Buy. Zacks Rank 2 = Buy. Zacks Rank 3 = Hold. Zacks Rank 4 = Sell. Zacks Rank 5 = Strong Sell.

Contact Us With Any Questions!


Outside North America: 1-847-375-6151

This research, including any news, commentary, data, charts and other information, is provided by Zacks Investment Research, a third-party research provider. This content, and any web links provided, is not a solicitation or offer to invest in a particular security or type of security. eOption does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to evaluating individual securities. All trades entered through eOption are self-directed at the customer's own sole discretion. eOption makes no investment recommendations and does not provide financial, tax or legal advice. 

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